.Last Tuesday(28/2), I received a call on my handphone during my physiology class. It was Liz Tai rom The Star(we met at the PPS bloggers’ bash back in June) and she asked if I could contribute an article for Star Two in conjunction with International Women’s Day and on top of that, I am even getting paid! But the money’s not important.. I was over the moon. Hahaha. However, she said that she has already sent me an email but I did not get back to her. And she wanted my confirmation by the Saturday before that Tuesday or else she would ask someone else to write instead. -_-;.
I checked my abandoned hotmail account and sure enough there was an email there! Thanks Liz for giving me this opportunity!! (gmail’s the active one, people!)
After rushing for a couple of hours for the article and doing a bout of camwhoring…I managed to send it to her on Wednesday and ta daaaa…
No! I don’t have a mole there! Printing error! At least I hope that it was only MY copy that has got that black mark there. But it’s a small price to pay for having my mug to appear on the national papers.:) I can’t find the link to this article though, maybe there isn’t one. Found it!
Remember to frame my article up yah, people. 😛
I was doing some comparing with my original article. I suppose the editor thought that my version was too crude. In the second last paragraph, I wrote, “Could the transition be from the moment you thought that the stains on your underpants were spaggheti sauce or the moment you put on your first slick of lip gloss?”
It has been changed to, “When does one turn into a woman? Your first period? Your first slick of lip gloss?”
Liz asked me for the contacts of two indian girls below the age of 25 to be interviewed(page2/3) and immediately, Narjit and Gaya popped into my head. :)Â Nice photos of the two girls there with their extensive views on women today.
Have a nice day, people! I know I will! 🙂