While trying to work my way around the development of the urinary system and the kidneys in the human fetus last night, Dad called me on the phone.
He sounded frustrated and said that he can’t find any spare parts for my laptop as it was too old.(november 2003).
So he said, “I’m getting you a new one lah.”
I felt so incredibly guilty. You know usually you’ll be damn happy when you get something grand like this from your parents? I could not.
He asked me not to spend so much money ..and the tone was one of grief and disappointment.
I could only say that I was sorry and that I was very grateful before putting down the phone quietly. I was really upset about making him upset. My human developmental notes became a tearry blur. Go and condemn me for being such a baby. But it’s just the guilt lar.
I always fuck up and cost him money. In 2004, it was the road bully who extorted RM500 off me. in 2005, it was that minor car accident in USJ3 which cost a further RM470.
Now, this.
JOLENE LAI PEI SHAN~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But actually I’m feeling better because dad called me again today during biochemistry class to let me know that the comp’s coming in two weeks. I said sorry again and he said, “it’s not your fault..just work harder in your studies.”
Hehe, I’m feeling much better now. My father has a strange effect on me.
I actually feel sad letting go of my Acer 290. I mean back when I was in Subang with wireless installed in the house, I used to touch it first thing in the morning and it would be the last thing I see before I sleep. I’d lug it around the house and put it on my lap. It had more lap-time with me compared to Angel who would scratch it due to jealousy.
Then in national service I even requested for my parents to bring my laptop for me to hold and touch during one of the visiting days. In university, I’m the girl with the horrid backpack and I don’t really care because it had my laptop inside.
I will miss my laptop so much……….I’m serious. It’s like I won’t feel right if I don’t see it for just one last time.
Can you actually get emotionally attached to an electronical item? This must be one of the evolutions of human relationships in the digital age.
Since I’m feeling happier, I’ll post photos of myself. Even if I get kutuked for the ugliness of it all, I’m still cool.
Ok, I need to go poo now. Bye.