Out in the wilder part of the woods, lived 7 rodents who were forced to stay together in a big oak tree because of a Rodent Conservation Programme. They were made out of 5 squirrels and 2 hedgehogs. Jay the squirrel was chosen as head of tree because she was outspoken and easily bullied. All the animals got on fine together.
Except Shannie the Squirrel and Vinnie the Hedgehog were not on good terms because they accused each other of leaving their mass of tangled fur in all the cavities(their living room, kitchen, bathroom) of the big oak tree. Jay the Squirrel was made to call or a tree-house meeting and she didn’t really wanted to but she was forced to write down the stupid rule of picking up each other’s fur should anyone shed any. It was a very embarrassing time for all the rodents.
Jay is trying her best to maintain the friendship between all the rodents in the house. But after all, hedgehog and squirrels are different species even though their all rodents.
Lately, Nini the Hedgehog has been suffering from a bout of skin problem. Nini the Hedgehog usually leaves the quiet oak tree area for the centre of the woods every now and then to pluck the so-called miraculous herbs that grows in the wilderness of the centre of the woods. Everyrodent in the oak tree is happy for Nini because it seems that she is getting better. Unfortunately, one of the side effects is that more clumpy fur is being shed and Nini the Hedgehog aggrevates it by picking at it and Shannie The Squirrel, Kiki The Squirrel and even the docile Cici the Squirrel are uncomfortable with it. They had the cheek to ask Jay the Squirrel to tell Nini off for shedding her fur everywhere. Jay the Squirrel refuses to do anything about it because it will be so damn rude to say something like that.
However, Jay the Squirrel had to clean the mess that was made from the fur shedding business and Jay lost her appetite for the big mound of nuts which was her dinner. Jay the Squirrel is not sure if she should blame Nini for making a mess and should know what’s happening and perhaps take the initiative to clean it up or if she should just stomach it in order to maintain peace in the entire tree. After all, they have no idea how many more summers and winters they will have to go through together.
On a different note, Jay The Squirrel is enraged by the owner of the mulberry bush(which is in all honesty has basically crappy berries but it is the only source of food for miles and smiles) for showing too much of her nice squirrely legs in the latest short shorts made from Hisbiscus leave.(Jay the Squirrel was in the Merdeka Mood – hence she was using the Hibiscus flower patriotically). The Mulberry Bush owner confronted Jay The Squirrel in front of all the entire animals awaiting their turn to pick mulberries. The mulberry bush owner does not allow Jay the Squirrel to wear her Hibiscus leave shorts anymore because they are too short. Another squirrel in a different conservation programme was wearing even shorter shorts(perhaps made from Jasmine leaves) and yet SHE was not told off.
Jay The Squirrel hates to be reprimanded for a dress code that is so irrational.
Maybe Jay The Squirrel will consider going naked for her mulberries picking session; just like how all squirrels were once a long time ago.
Jayelle Sep 26, 05 Delete
bren: shhh shh..ok? forgot u were reading this as well. alls well now:) nothing really bad is happening. just minor things that we need to compromise over. 🙂 shhh..
bren Sep 24, 05 Delete
hey gurl, wow i didnt noe there r so many happenings in ur hse. hehe..but i pity especially u since u gotta ‘clean up’ after er ‘nini the hedgehog’
c.ho Sep 23, 05 Delete
yeah.. i think… hehehhehe
Jayelle Sep 23, 05 Delete
eischz: ahah thanks:D is it one?
yuin: 🙂 yes, i think it is very wise too. *nods sensibly*
meldee: I GOT WEAR 😀 hehehe..yeah. you know what i’m trying to say eh!
humblewarrior: 🙂 yes, perhaps the next time something that cannot be shared with actual names happen, i will sub them with puppies and other furry creatures.
c.ho: WOW!! you do?? ahaha;P
c.ho Sep 23, 05 Delete
ahh.. i sense a big message underlyin that post:P
humblewarrior Sep 23, 05 Delete
Great blog! How ’bout one with puppies?
meldee Sep 22, 05 Delete
aah. the long-lost chronicles of your forest friends.
hope things improve.
miss you! better wear my skirt 😉
yuin Sep 22, 05 Delete
very the metaphoric….
eischz Sep 22, 05 Delete
nice analogy!