Despite the constant rain, my four days in Singapore were…well….eventful in a way. I didn’t just burn a hole in my pockets, I had an all out Hiroshima-Nagasaki atomic bomb in my pockets(what’s left of it). But I still had a great time because my purpose of going to Singapore was to see Chee Kiang. 🙂 Going into Singapore on Christmas…
Category: 56k killer
If I Use Big Eye Contact Lens/Christmas Spirit/Adding Teeth On The Bite Blocks
A few days ago over lunch, Brenda, Lie Yuen and I were talking about those big black contacts that can increase the size of your iris. It gives the illusion of bigger eyes and makes one look damn anime-ish. Since I’ve always been complaining about the size of my eyes, the two of them suggested…
The Sony Ericsson z610i That I Bought With My Own Money!
The Sony Ericsson z610i is finally a reality to me! For months I’ve been itching to buy this phone and fretting about my dire state of finance…until I learnt that I could actually get paid for the articles that I wrote for R.age! OK! Gloating time! RM80 for March’s Youth2 Women Day’s Article RM511 for…
Our Second Anniversary at Atrium and The ‘Group Hang’ At SkyBar
I went back for the weekend, mainly for the purpose of celebrating my 2nd anniversary with Chee Kiang. *blush, blush*. Okay, no need to snort. Contrary to popular belief, I am capable of a little bit of humility every now and then. 🙂 I am not THAT shameless. Since Amanda touched down on Friday morning, we decided to…