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Category: Jolene’s theories
Can You Allow Polygamy?
Last Friday, I was with two friends(I only have five friends in Subang whom I can call and expect them to come out within 5 minutes at anytime of the week, so no prizes for guessing who) at Sunway Pyramid, outside that new bar connected to Italiannies. The poor Kedah girl doesn’t know her bar…
The Heavens Are Having Diarrhea
Our dean called for an urgent meeting at our classroom today. The lot of us rose from our nocturnal stupor and arrived to hear what he has to say. It’s always a joy to hear from him about how the school of dentistry is progressing, how the dental hospital will be ready soon and how…
Do You Watch Greek?/Facebook Chat Is Awesome/Not Hamster Woman Yet
So I woke up at 3pm today. Hehe yes, it’s sort of an Eat Shit Sleep post, but not quite part of the official eat shit sleep week. I don’t even know which day it ended. Haha.. well most importantly the rest of you eat shit sleep comrades had a good time spewing random mindless…