“A damn good book!” – Jolene Lai.
One of the nicest things in the world is when a good ol’ chick lit gets converted into a movie.
I’m still holding out for Divas Las Vegas(Belinda Jones) and PS. I Love You.(Cecilia Arhern), probably the best so far in the chick literature genre.
With all the books-to-movie conversions, I’m trying to get my hands on as many of it as possible. Like Narnia and Memoirs Of A Geisha! I know, I know, disappointment could ensue, yeah. But the only book-to-movie book I’ve read is Harry Potter and that does NOT count.
Chick lit is food for the soul!
Nothing beats being able to snuggle up on the couch on a rainy evening whilst turning the pages and chuckling and tearing along.
The ingredients to make a good chick lit is:
a) A messed up girl
b) A funny guy who unexpectedly becomes the sweetest love interest
c) A gay friend
d) An obsession of a certain kind. (ie. shoes, shopping, drugs..etc)
e) Weird parents
f) An apartment (important for all the raunchy sex scenes)
g) Missions (usually it’s marriage…..*makes a “what else?” kind of shrug*)
h) The obligatory bastard
My mother thinks that I have too many chick literatures as they are too predictable. Of course, chick literature dwells about messed up women and how they fall in love. Falling in love is always predictable. It’s how it happens that isn’t. :). So the story goes.
After half a decade of chick literature indulgence, a (ahem)young girl like me tends to develope the mindset of a 33 year old unmarried woman. The books keep pressing about how difficult it is to find love after the turning point of 30. Is it really?
Chick lit influences me to worry about the wrong things at the wrong time. Like how will I settle my credit card bills of the future. Hmm.
As lovely as chick literatures are, I can’t help but question why are all the women in the books are 25-36 year old? It’s strange how girls almost a decade younger can be so intrigued by the turmoils of older women. Is it the whole ‘wearing-mum’s-oversized-high-heels’ concept? The same feeling we get when we dabble with our mums’ make-up during our pre-puberty years?
A preparation guide of sorts, perhaps?
Girls are seldom attracted to portrayals of their own age group. Have you seen a 19 year old girl obsessing about Hillary Duff? Are any of YOU(assuming my readers are around my age) still buying editions of Sweet Valley Senior Year??
My sentiments exactly.
Tweens can’t get enough about the way girls in their late-teens lead their lives. The unimaginable marginal of freedom we receive. The ability to go anywhere with a driving license, the chance to live away from home, the ability to buy whatever we want with the larger allowance,hanging out without a curfew, the love interests, the post-braces smile, make up skills….etc.
Thank you, Francine Pascal, creator of the Sweet Valley series, for all the enlightenment and training that you’ve provided me during my lonely ages of 10-14.
Then we as the late-teen girls sigh longingly at the high flying career women depicted in our chick literature. Pine longingly for the ability to swipe that platinum card and be non chalant about the piling bills.(This does not apply to rich brats who think their daddies shit gold bars and use their cards irrationally. Go away. SHoo. shoo.). Get all fuzzy inside when the man in the story proposes oh-so-romantically. Understand the obsession with shoes. *conspirational nod*
Then what do high flying career women read?
I should think cook books.
They want to be like the next generation: Old ladies who are damn good in the kitchen.
What do old ladies who are damn good in the kitchen read, you say?
…they’re not very sure of it themselves. Too old liao, cannot see properly.
Ahaha, I shall not digress.
I’m trying to make a point about why there are no chick literature about 17-21 year old girls that appeals to 17-21 year old girls. The only stories about 17-21 year old girls in the shelves of MPH are located in the “Teens” section. We reel away from those shelves don’t we? Bring on ‘General Fiction’ anytime! *does a small jiggle*
They are just so lame. But maybe I should not judge so fast as I have not laid my hands on anything so juvenile since.. like I said, half a decade ago.
It’s different in the movies though. Strange as it seems. Hmmmm.
Okay, so maybe we don’t bring movies into the picture, just stick to literature. Or writings, what have you.
You cannot get the same absorbing type of feeling proper chick literature gives you as compared to Sweet Valley-esque type of books at this age. But why is it that you “so feel” for bloggers who are of your age and follow each entry like a reality tv show so passe, dramas are all the rage, I say. So, yeah, like a drama serial.
Is it not writings depicting lives of 17-21 year old girls?
It’s time for someone to write a proper book for girls our age about girls our age.
Ooh! Random photos:
There’s a strange creature festering in our house. I’m serious. We think it’s a mutated cockroach. Don’t you think it looks like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch?
Look at the hands wei..nasty shit!
Looks like fried chicken too! Just imagine if they included this in Fear Factor.
One of my housemates is sick. Hehehe, disturbed her by making a replica of one of her vomitting pills. Kekekeke.
My weak attempt at making dentures.
My oil burner.
I put glitter on top of the candle before burning it and what dya know? Glitter don’t melt!