You guys are no fun! No one guessed that I was the mystery paddle pop woman over at Ivan’s. Not that I directed any of you there, yet. Heh.
Sorry for not updating properly these few days as I’m busy enjoying the last few days of my holidays. shopping. Damn wasted though.
But yeah, I’m back in Kedah already. I came back on Saturday with Lie Yuen to clean the house up. *looks at Lie Yuen busy cleaning the house.* *looks at own untidy room.* Haiyah, later lah.
OH!! OH!!!
I PASSED MY BIOCHEMISTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was at Low Yat Plaza on Friday with Sush and I was in the midst of buying my 1.3mega pixel webcam(and she was buying a 160gigabytes external hard drive) when Josiah messaged me.
“I called the dean today and he said everybody passed.”
YAY!! Imagine my happiness. I can’t believe I received my good news in a place like Low Yat. Such an unlikely place for me to be.
I was so happy that I bought 100 pieces of empty Imation cds, a purple cd file, a pink cd file(very Barbie) and a DreamWeaver pirated cd.
Not quite satisfied with Josiah’s message, I decided to call the School Of Dentistry and my professor picked up the phone.
I was jumping up and down like a monkey outside the Bukit Bintang McDonalds. You know the big Giordano signboard near Sg.Wang? Yeah.
I’m going on to second year! I’m on my way to be a real-er dentist. Don’t ask me what’s a real-er dentist. It’s just my own way of saying that even though I’m studying this course, it does not mean that I will happily pass every single year. I will sadly pass. Pain and sweat, slaving over them books. Hopefully no more resits, ever. Every year accomplished signifies a step closer for me to become a real-er dentist.
I’ve bertaubat-ed* already for the new school year. I’m going to study in detail whatever that I do not understand. Supplement from all the books in the library. Search for it online. Learn!! FILE MY NOTES PROPERLY!! Take down notes dilligently.
…sekali first day of class also fall asleep already. But no worries, I have a grand supply of Nescafe 3-in-1 and some Chicken Essence left.
On other Kedah-ish updates, I just bought myself a new cupboard. Not like anybody cares. But it should be arriving in about 20 minutes. For only Rm180!! Not bad.. I hope it won’t fall apart though.
Lie Yuen and I were conned by Andy.
If most of you have forgotten who Andy is due to the “extremely long” in-between-years holiday.. he is our classmate who comes from Sabah to entertain us with his endless wisecracks and basically one of the very few people who can make our life in Kedah entertaining. We wouldn’t know what we would do without him.
I smsed him and said, “hellooo!! came back already?”
And the bugger replied, “Hey…I’m still in Sabah. I don’t think I will join you all this year lar. Maybe become your junior or maybe not even come back.”
Lie Yuen and I screamed, “Bullshit!!!!!!!!”
Then I called him and his acting skills persisted.
“I got some problems lar. Think lah, jolene, if I am coming back to SP(Sungai Petani), why would I still be in Sabah now when class starts tomorrow? I got some problems which I will tell you about later,” he said.
“No! No! Don’t lie. Please don’t lie,” I begged.
“Why would I lie for? Maybe I won’t come back even..see what Professor Smales say first.” he said.
“What? You passed everything what! Wei! Don’t lie lah!! I will cry one you know!” I was nearly in tears.
“HAHAHHAHAHA..on the way to the airport lah. How’s the weather there?” …dumbass!!!
“NOT GOOD ALREADY LET YOU MAKE SPOIL!” and I passed the phone for Lie Yuen to continue with the shouting. Hehe.
It sucks to have people leaving the course. Thank god no one is leaving. Only three classmates have to repeat the entire year. Sigh.
Before I go off to continue cleaning my room and awaiting the grand arrival of my new cupboard, I shall let you in on something.
Come closer.
*whispers* I’ve got my own domain now.
Everything is ready already! Just that my layout is giving me shite and I don’t feel like updating any blogs of mine until I’m satisfied with that layout. I love that layout so much and nothing comes close.
I’ll be moving to wordpress because blogdrive is giving me shite.
I’ve also got two posts to write for a website and a company’s product. Heh. Hopefully can get it done in the next couple of days.
Redang photos are still lingering in my drafts. ; Maybe that’ll go to my new blog.
And I’ve got a sorethroat. Arghhhhhhhhhhhkkkcchhkkkkkkkkkk..*cough*