I went back for the weekend, mainly for the purpose of celebrating my 2nd anniversary with Chee Kiang. *blush, blush*. Okay, no need to snort. Contrary to popular belief, I am capable of a little bit of humility every now and then. 🙂 I am not THAT shameless. Since Amanda touched down on Friday morning, we decided to…
The Philosophy of Rubbish Bins By A Yam Ice-Cream Eating Dental Student In A Dental Student Association
Lesson of the day is to not let your garbage(especially if you have left over spaggheti) fester for about five days. We decided that it was high time to throw away the rubbish in the kitchen and when I bent over to pull the bag out, I reeled back in horror. SO FUCKING GROSS LA!!!!…
Busy As A Bee
Philosophy is one subject that sure makes no sense at all to me. Why is the table not the same one as yesterday’s? Why can man not step in the same river twice?? I cannot afford the brain space. I cannot. And before I get slammed for appearing to want to dispose off my lecturer,…
Protected: Sometimes You Just Need To Share (It’s a Happy and slightly embarrassing post. Email me for the password ok?)
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