Recently, there was a church concert held in the club house near my place. Frankly, if you know me well, I NEVER go for church events(except that if its a wedding or a funeral or a baptism) partly because I was lazy when I was younger, then as I grew older and encountered more annoying…
Diary Extracts For Him From the Yesteryears.
updated–** Chee Kiang blogged it out as well….:PÂ 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 <3 I was having second thoughts about putting this up but I figured, knowing me, this was a sooner or later thing anyway. These are diary extracts that I have modified into pseudo-poetic forms for Chee Kiang’s extremely belated Valentine’s Day present…
Why The Fuck Do We Need A Papaya Tree For?
Today as I was enjoying my newly installed wireless network downstairs at the dining table, I heard a splat outside. I went out and saw this: Stupid no use papaya tree..only know how to look tall and photogenic! Make trouble for people only. This is what happens when you’re not house-savvy enough to know how…
Jolene Is Damn Disgusting
Now that we have a washing machine, Lie Yuen and I hang our clothes together every night. Sometimes I hang hers, sometimes she hangs mine. A few days ago, she picked up my three quarter pants and looked at it. She looked puzzled and decided to pose a question to me. “Eh, Jolene, why got…