This post goes out to my boyfriend and his friends in Singapore(Kai-Lin, Chun Leen, Britney, Fui Chin, Eng Hooi, Leong Hui, Jon etc..who also became my friends at one point or another).
I was reading Kai-Lin’s blog today and she mentioned,
“It’s a strange time for us at NTU.
It’s past the exciting phase of moving in, of meeting new people, of being amazed by how time just whizzes by.
It’s past the period of bonding, of settling in, of getting comfortable.
It’s now time for uncertainty, for doubt, for questioning the wisdom of our choices.
And many are already sure they made the wrong choice.”
Who hasn’t been there? Who hasn’t wondered if the choice they made was the right one or not? My boyfriend and a large number of his friends are recipients of the Asean scholarship. A scholarship most Malaysian parents are clamouring for their children to get.(my Aunty has already put my 15 year old cousin’s name down for junior college application).
Sometimes they take the scholarship and grudgingly accept what they have been offered and sometimes they are lucky to get a scholarship for the courses of their choice. Quite like Malaysia’s STPM system. But alot of these recipients accept courses that they have never set their eyes upon on the grounds that it is a scholarship. My own boyfriend was almost deterred from his pathway to a career in pharmacy(he was still in IMU) when he was offered a scholarship to do Biological Science at NTU. If NUS didn’t give him the scholarship for his current course(pharmacy), he would have taken up on NTU’S offer and I predict stay on in Singapore as job prospects for something along the lines of biological science in Malaysia doesn’t seem to yield many job opportunities as of now.
But when things fall into place, it fell into place for him like a jigsaw puzzle. He left IMU and got into NUS. He then received the Asean scholarship to do the course there.
The both of us, when we were initially dating, we made plans to go to NUS together. I wanted to do dentistry very badly there but 4A’s in A levels was just too impossible a task for me. How nice would it be to be in the same university as my boyfriend? He’d do pharmacy there, and I’d do dentistry there and we’d take it from there after we graduate.
He has been enjoying himself thus far in NUS. He is very happy with hostel life and participates in all the hall activities that NUS is oh so popular for.
You wanna know what?
I am jealous.
I am jealous because university life for him in Singapore is so fun. I am jealous because he and his friends have all these activities that have been established long ago which now serve as traditions that they must follow.
But I know that they are tired like hell and they sometimes complain about the rushing Singaporean lifestyle.
Another excerpt from Kai-Lin’s post that triggered these thoughts of mine:
“I read Tits’ entry. And I start to remember. I have every reason to hate Singapore. To hate this scholarship.”
Maybe because I’m not there to experience first hand what you guys are going through but as far as I can see, be happy that you have a large variety of friends there. Be happy that there are cheerleading teams for you to join, dance clubs for you to join, radio shows for you to partake in, drama classes for you to attend and late night yamchas with friends from all around. Be happy that these activities bring friends for you.
That’s what I want here in kedah.
I want more friends.
I want a life.
I want activities.
I have no time to spare(dentistry is damn busy-fying), but I want to have a larger circle of friends. I only have 36 friends here in AIMST(my class is made up of 37 people) whom I can truly be myself with and at least less than 20 other Hi-Bye friends. It’s pathetic to be able to count your friends.
I miss the days when I was back in Subang Jaya and had all sorts of activities. Mutual friends on top of mutual friends. Friends from societies and friends from yesteryears.
I miss the days I had so many close friends wherever I went.
Long ago, everyday was an opportunity to make new friends. To meet new people.
That’s the only reason I’d give my freedom up for. And by freedom I mean being able to rent a place outside of university and the three necessities: Aircon + streamyx + washing machine.
My university is relatively new and few societies are established.
The most happening society in my uni is most probably the christian fellowship society. All sorts of nice people are among their members. The only thing that stands between me and joining the society is this whole christianity thing. Which brings us back to square one.
The lot of you have all the nice places to go to in Singapore. You can dress up to the nines when you go out, go to the coolest clubs, feel belonged in more ways than one.
You won’t want to trade places with me. But I surely want to trade places with anyone of you.
I remember sitting with all of you at that quaint cafe along Orchard when I last visited and met some of you for the first time. The time when Fui Chin drew eyes on Chun Leen’s smiley faced pig nosed nipple. I heard you talk about the orientations you have in your university. I see the way you’re so familiar with the routes in Singapore. Which MRT to take, where’s the best place to eat, walking around and around and just LIVING, you know?
I walk down my stairs in the morning, climb in Lie Yuen’s car, reach university, climb up two flights of stairs, sit in a classroom for a few hours, walk down the stairs, go to the same coffeeshop I go to every other day, climb back in Lie Yuen’s car, go back up my stairs and sit in front of my table to go online/study,then climb into my bed at the end of the day.
That’s all that I do here in Kedah. That’s all.
I know the going might get tough. But it happens for everybody.
At least be thankful for the environment that you’re getting nurtured in. It’s not something everybody gets. If the course that you’re in is really unbearable, sit back and take a look at your long term goals. Will this course get you there? Is it enough to give you what you want in life?
*hugs* to you poor suffering kids down south. But make the best of it. Keep your chin up.
I wish I was there though. I wish I had the chance to come to study in Singapore and mingle with wonderful people like the lot of you.
I love the people here in Kedah, but I sometimes wish for a bigger variety ..of well, what university life can offer me.
—editted at 5.59pm 10/11/2006—
After a talk with Lie Yuen about my latest entry, she thought that Kai Lin et all would terasa from my entry. I hope to let you guys know that I’m not trying to go all uppity with my tone and say “eh, be grateful” because I’m not. I was just inspired by Kai-Lin’s entry and what I felt was sympathy because it’s tough to not know if you’re happy.
What I’m trying to say here is how I wish I was in Singapore too, living a more happening life. That kinda thing.
So no hard feelings, k?
Jolene.. jia you! gambateh! you can do it!
jo: ehe, thanks:D i hope so too.Â
It sounds like you’re getting unsatisfied with your life. I know what that feels like. But then I remember to be thankful for everything that I do have. (And 36 people is a lot of friends!!)![🙂](
Don’t worry – the time will come when everything – like you said – will fall into place. It hasn’t exactly happened to me yet, but I’m hoping that it will as soon as I graduate!
Take care of yourself..
i do try to be grateful. the only saving grace i can think of about kedah is the fact that i can do a course that i really really want. i remember telling my mum that it would be a dream come true if a private uni in MALAYSIA offers dentistry. so it’s quite fortunate that i’m the first batch of students to take on the dentistry course in the first private uni in malaysia to offer the course.
36 is just an obligatory number because we’re all classmates and we soon become like family. i feel happy with this bunch of classmates as it is a really good mix of people..but i’d love to meet more people. extend the circles.
once we accept what we are given, we’ll feel satisfied.
you take care too.Â
hmm.. *pats*.. well.. at least you have your 36 friends eh? respect you la.. i won’t be able to tahan kedah lifestyle.. probably shrivel up into a ball of.. nothing-.-“.. i know. i’m hopeless.. well.. nvm la. next time when you’re earning the big bucks you’d be laughing your way to the bank.. kekekkee.
yeah, but it’s different. you need a balance of people in your daily life. can’t be surrounded by people who are going for the same goals right? must open up to people with different school of thoughts.. sigh…hahaha.. no…money can’t buy happiness.;P
but i suppose dentistry will make me happy because i get to meet all kinds of people in my line of work. all coming in for dental checkups of course.Â
do notice that you’ve made yourself sound just like them.
then again. kedah.
jo: as the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side.Â
i know how u feel jolene!everyone has ups and downs in their lives. doesn’t mean they are at someplace that sounds fun means that that person will have fun. it’s just fate. maybe you will have a brighter ‘up’ in the near future, and that person will be ‘down’. sometimes i think we have to accept our fate and not feel unsatisfied. maybe someone someplace that sounds ‘fun’ is admiring your lifestyle there because you have so many friends? a big city can be lonely too. i saw a movie once, where a person had to be imprisoned for his whole life. he tried to psycho himself everyday that that was where he wanted to be, not because he had to, and he didn’t want anything else outside that cell. that’s how he continued living. now, for me to psycho myself with these thoughts!![😛](
that makes sense. I’ll try to make the grass greener over here. will go and dye them now.
excellent entry!
Probably it’s because i can relate myself to the same situation you’re in.
I’m studying in KL and i agree it’s a vibrant city with lotsa things to enjoy but i don’t have the circle of friends i can do everything together with here in KL.My friends of yesteryears are mostly scatered all over the place.
I have lots of hometown buddies here in KL but they all live far away from me while my class was small until we recently combined with other intakes so basically i’m still trying my best to bond with any new people i meet here so i have a life.
jo: hehehe oh hello there! i went to your blog(sexy….:D) and so you’re a law student at help? Not enjoyable meh the life? but the good thing is that you’re in an already established uni where there are so many societies that u can join and extend your social circle with. here its pretty limited. Â
Errmm.. how bout joining the gakkai activities in kedah?![😉](
jo: er… dunwant lah. all adults. somemore my hokkien also can go die dot com one.. and my mandarin also not even good enough to construct a sentence…. that is assuming that gakkai members speak more chinese than english. back home the gakkai people are more towards chinese speaking and what are the chances that there are more english speaking gakkai members here?Â
i only get involved when my dad brings the family along lor..
i didn’t terasa.. though I did feel quite ashamed of myself. hmm.
i love u! *bear hugs* :p
jo: tak payah ashamed ashamed la..:P but YOU got to think properly whether you’re truly happy. i love u too! *hugs back*Â
Hey Jo, this is a little late but I totally heartfelt this post. And the thing being, this morning before leaving my hostel room to sit for my Chinese paper, I was thinking about the post I was going to do after the paper which covers a few thoughts like whether I would miss the boring, mundane yet peaceful life here in Perlis or feel uneasy with the hectic but exciting KL life that I’ve been leading before coming here for a year and a half. I’ll be heading back on the 19th, and where I’ll be next year is an unknown. Oh I just don’t know where I would want to be IF I get to choose where to go, which I of course can’t ’cause the course I’m taking is under the big G. Haha~
jo: i so get you about the peaceful part. it’s damn peaceful in kedah. just the hectic shcedule, but other than that, nobody to rush me to an appointment, or important events to go to… or FUN events to go to for that matter. …. that’s quite unfortunate that you have to do what the government says.;( nevermind babes, better days lie ahead. Â
Hey, this is the post I was talking about. At least, part of it is. Lolx. Cheers!
wah shit. i just got to read this. hahha *hangs head in shame*
wei I terasa wei. How now? I tell my daddy then he call gangster beat your dog up. hmmph.
jo: lol, nolah, as long as you’re happy..or rather make sure you keep yourself happy ok?/