Only two weeks into the course and we’ve already had our first ever gathering. It was held at my hostel unit and it’s nice lah because you have a bunch of people sitting at the study tables discussing the compact bone and another bunch gossiping in the sitting area. It was not much of a party because you see, we are students without a steady income. It is a sad thing, but we pull through.
Everyone loves to play with fire regardless of their age. We’re all arsonists at heart, aren’t we? 😀 Which is why a tanglung session is definitely fun.
It’s even more fun with a camera!! Pity mine died on me, I don’t know how to ask my dad for a new one. Heck, it’s 2.8 megapixels. Don’t laugh please.:( But thankfully my housemate, Cze Yin, has one. So here you go! Loads of photos! Presenting my classmates for the next 5 years!(only those who are staying in the hostels though)
On the main road outside our house.
l-r: Harveen and Narjit

A group cuddle behind a row of candles. Didn’t quite get the effect that I wanted.

l-r: Cze Yin, Brenda, Me and Maxis
Cze Yin did her STPM in Catholic High School and was previously working at Dr.Jagjit’s orthodontic clinic in SS15! Brenda’s from Penang and she was previously in Monash pursuing a business degree. Maxis did his STPM in CHS as well! They’re are all two years older than me, but I can’t feel the age gap. Though Brenda did invite me to go clubbing two weeks from now and they were like, “You’re old enough adi right?”
haiyo, sure lah!

L-r: Lishen, Wuan Ping, Cze Yin, Poh Yee
Lishen needs no introduction; my classmate from form4 and form5. Wuan Ping’s from Terengganu! Poh Yee’s from Perak and she did her SAM in Inti Nilai. It’s lovely that we come from all over Malaysia. Every single state except Pahang and Kelantan.

l-r:Me and Jimmy
Jimmy did his SAM in Taylor’s last year. I’m sure alot of you might know him! Besides, he shares the exact same surname(chinese character and all) as me. We’re probably cousins.

Maxis. Because his chinese name, Min Shin, is the mandarin name for Maxis.(the mobile service provider?)

The lot of us outside our house! So nice right?

Me and Lishen pan-ning cute!;D

This pic is damn scary!! Can you see the faint image of a guy’s head sort of floating in the background?

My skills rock!
Just another random shot..
l-r: Narjit, Brenda, Jimmy, Cze Yin, Harveen
Narjit who’s from Negeri Sembilan, did her matriculation in Perak and Harveen from Penang did her CPU in Sunway College.
l-r: Maxis and Ah Thong. Ah Thong’s from Perlis and he was doing his STPM as well! Another 20 year old.
Jimmy the sor chai!
The guys hanging the lanterns on the tree outside our house.
Jimmy and I
l-r: Jimmy, Brenda and I.
top l-r: Xiong Khee, Me
bottom l-r: Ah Thong, Nien Cze, Poh Yee, Sock Nee, Chuan Horng and Steven.
Xiong Khee did her A-levels in Sedaya College! Nien Cze’s from Penang, Sock Nee’s from Alor Setar, Chuan Horng’s from Ipoh and Steven’s from Klang, an ex-ACS Klang boy. Kevin Su, if you ever read my blog, you might know Steven. Steven says he knows you.
l-r: Harveen, Jimmy, Me, Brenda, Narjit
Our study area. Can you see the green mat on the left side of the photo? That’s where my room is. The camera battery died.. or else I would’ve uploaded a picture of my room.
l-r: Zhu Zhen, Nien Cze, Sock Nee, Poh Yee.
Zhu Zhen’s from Alor Setar as well.. I think she did her STPM as well.
Cze Yin massaging Lishen’s cramped foot.
l-r: Narjit, Harveen, Brenda, Yan Rui, Nien Cze, Desmond, Magesh, Jimmy
Yan Rui did his SAM in Taylor’s as well.. he is actually Jimmy’s ex-classmate. Desmond did the AIMST matriculations, he is from Perak and Magesh did STPM.
oooh!! I love this picture, see how it illuminates??
Yan Rui; haven’t changed since class ended. 😀
l-r: Lishen and maxis
l-r: Steven, Magesh, Desmond
Jayelle Sep 19, 05 Delete
munkit: eh eh u kenal Yan Rui and Jimmy one right? Jimmy said, “Oh!! Mun Kit!! the computer bro? That crazy genius!” hahahahha. thanks for missing me wei;D ..when are YOU going to resume?
MunKit Sep 19, 05 Delete
manyak bagus.. miss your posts ahaah glad your back! 🙂
Jayelle Sep 18, 05 Delete
fiona: ahhaa is.
c.ho: trying, trying.:)
bren: i am having fun! more to come, gatherings like these.:) it was fun!
amanda: lol, i will always love the ones i grew up with best. nothing can ever change that.
AmAndAserAph Sep 18, 05 Delete
the pictures don’t look right…
it’s usually pictures of us having fun… and now you’ve got a new bunch of friends to have fun with and to post pictures of on your blog T_T crycrycry
glad you’re enjoying yourself though take care *hugs*
bren Sep 18, 05 Delete
hey great pics gal!!! hehe datz a nice piece of entry…had a lot of fun that nite…definitely smth to remember when we graduate. hope ur havin in kl b4 returning to torture chamber!!!
c.ho Sep 17, 05 Delete
JO’s back and blogging regularly! whoopeee!!
fiona Sep 17, 05 Delete
the guys name is maxis? o.O