Shit happens when you are fully utilizing the wireless connection at home. Pardon the pun.
I was happily surfing Jay’s Blog(gay guy, chinese malaysian, in london. LOVE IT!!) while planting my butt on the ceramic throne – a thing I ALWAYS do to save time. But I usually end up overheating my laps and suffocating my butt cheeks.
Lie Yuen messaged me on msn while I was in the toilet.
yuen says: comfrotable or not sitting on the toilet bowl
Miss Lai, you are having diarrhoea again. Please cut down on the ang ku+paddlepop+mamee+strawberry milk concoctions. says:
Miss Lai, you are having diarrhoea again. Please cut down on the ang ku+paddlepop+mamee+strawberry milk concoctions. says:
neck pain adi..
After typing that, I massaged my head, leaned back…and..oh shit…!
Miss Lai, you are having diarrhoea again. Please cut down on the ang ku+paddlepop+mamee+strawberry milk concoctions. says:
(sorry, my daddy say I cannot swear on my blog anymore. ;`( )
Miss Lai, you are having diarrhoea again. Please cut down on the ang ku+paddlepop+mamee+strawberry milk concoctions. says:
after i typed that i tilt my head back and my hairband fell into my pail!!!!
yuen says:
hahha i heard it
*i hate making errors with the texting. Should’ve been “look at IT this way.”
yuen says:
awe…..n it’s full of panties or wash ady
Miss Lai, you are having diarrhoea again. Please cut down on the ang ku+paddlepop+mamee+strawberry milk concoctions. says:
hahahhaa yau mou…one pantie only.
yuen says:
aiyerrrrrrrrrrrrrr hahahahhahahaha
Miss Lai, you are having diarrhoea again. Please cut down on the ang ku+paddlepop+mamee+strawberry milk concoctions. says:
lol whaaat….stupid hairband will be hanging on my doorknob
Miss Lai, you are having diarrhoea again. Please cut down on the ang ku+paddlepop+mamee+strawberry milk concoctions. says:
sorry for being disgusting
yuen says:
hahahhahahhahaaah it is ok….i got use to it ady
At this point, I got up, put my laptop back on the floor and do certain other activities that a girl would be too shy to say and then flush the toilet.
yuen says:
oh done?
This is what happens when you share a toilet. She can hear EVERYTHING! Shit drop also can hear la hah? 😉