I’m still quite upset about the domain screw up. It HAD to happen when I was having one of those emo moments that you want to reminisce about and build up a little suspension for the people who know what’s going on in your life. I’m talking about my feelings towards the beginning of my…
Category: Bitching
Domain Screw Up
I’m currently having some problems with my domain. I’ve already paid for my domain and hosting but apparently something happened with either the hosting company or the domain company(the latter is US-based.. the former is Taipan-based). When I type www. I can’t get into my blog, but just jayelleenelial.com will get me in here. ;(…
Protected: What’s A Girl To Do?
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Putrajaya Fireworks Jam, Sush Is Back!, DIY Lanterns, My Second Self-Help Book
If you haven’t already checked out the fireworks at Putrajaya, make sure you go as there are only a few more shows left! I was in my die die must go mode and poor Chee Kiang had to endure the one hour drive there(with minimal complains) and then the two hour jam home(he was pretty…