Hahahaha.. I know, I know. All the silly drama about me not being able to go for the bash and still I arrived albeit a whole hour late.
At 3am on the 23rd of June, I was chatting with SK and telling him how sad I felt that I’ll be missing out on such an event. He offered to drive me all the way to the bash if I can get myself down to KLCC’s lrt station since he works in KLCC. I got quite excited about it and immediately contacted Amanda and asked her if she was still keen on going. Chien who promised me that she would accompany me to the bash even before the exams started, immediately called me at 3am when I smsed her asking if it was a wise decision for me to the bash without my dad knowing.
The girl talked so much sense into me about how she knows I won’t feel good about doing something behind my father’s back. She made the most obvious and stupidest statement: “Why not tell your father that me, Amanda and Kay Hong will come with you?” …. Ya. I did think about that but I just did not think he would buy it. But it sounded so sensible so I decided to call my dad first thing in the morning.
I received a phone call in the morning. It was from a guy from Taylor’s Business School. I am not sure if he said he was a student there or if he was in admin. After telling him that I am not interested in business courses, he gave me his thanks before telling me, “Oh! By the way, nice blog site you have there.” I was dumbfounded and I asked him, “Ohmigod, how did you get to my site??” and he said, “Oh, my friend sent me the link.”. I’m still hyperventilating from it.
After that, I asked Dad for his permission to go for the bash. With good friends.
Dad said YES! As long as I don’t talk politics, sex or accept anything that is free. Ehehehe. The weirdest thing is that I was even allowed to drive down. Yes, people, it was my first time driving down to KL. Night time, somemore!
I tried on a few outfits and pestered those who were unfortunate enough to be online on my MSN to help me decide.
Naturally, I ended up near KLCC, doing a little sight-seeing around Kuala Lumpur and nearly killed my friends and myself in the infamous KL jams. Kay Hong and Chien were squabbling with each other, each grabbing the map and telling the other that he/she is stupid and should shut up and I would be screaming, “TURN LEFT OR TURN RIGHT? WHERE????”.. and then they’d scream, “JOLEEEENNNEE..GOT DIVIDER!!!!!!”. Hohohoho.
Which is why I only arrived at Charlie’s Place at 8.45pm. I was so worried I’d miss the awards. I walked in and the first three people to greet me were
Kenny Sia, Minishorts and SK. It was so fun that I didn’t tell anyone that I can finally come. Hahahaha. Throughout the night I had to repeat myself with an enthusiastic smile telling them how incredibly happy I was that my dad finally allowed me to come. I even got so carried away when I went up to meet Jeff Ooi and he looked at me with recognition(but I mistook it for surprise) and I said, “Yea….my dad allowed me to come!”.
And then he said, “Um, what’s you coming and your dad allowing you to come got to do with anything?” …Omg. I really wanted to hide my face. So embarassing. OF COURSE JEFF OOI WON’T BE READING ME LAH.. Hahahaha. Stupid Jolene! STUPID!!!
He was nice about it and covered up by telling me that yes, dads are all very protective.
By the way, bloggers are a very contradicting bunch. Their online personas are mostly the mirror images of their real personality.
David and I camwhoring to start off a fun night! David is SO tall. He was at least 2 heads taller than me. No kidding.
Aiz, manning the t-shirt booth! The t-shirts are SO comfortable. Everybody should get one!
Kim and me!! She looks much softer in person, very dainty, demure and definitely fun. Ok, folks, doesn’t she look like Reese Witherspoon??
I WAS STARSTRUCK. I saw James looking at me before my mind registered who he was and then I screamed, “OMIGOD IT’S LOOPYMEALS.” And I also got to see how beautiful Mae was!! James looks good as well! They are both just as friendly as how they portray themselves to be. Poor Baby Jesse couldn’t make it that night, he had other plans such as sleeping. 🙂
Right, so I was walking around the garden area and I saw this young guy smiling shyly at me, looking up from pretty lashes. I thought he was a sweet looking fella and gave a smile back before I got STAR STUCK again. OMIGOD. It’s THE Huaibin of Sixthseal!! I immediately shook his hand and asked if I could have a picture. He’s really really approachable and is extremely friendly. Heck, everyone was! But you know how some people sounds more aggressive on their blog? Ah, they’re not like that in real life.
Me and Huaibin. I think this is my starstuck face. I had the same expression on last time when I met Douglas Lim. haha.
Another starstruck moment! A girl at the bar said hello to me and I asked her for her name and then she said, “Lainie!”.. .. I was in awe. And when she introduced Fip to me, I got into groupie mood again. Hehe, they are really nice as well! Honestly, every single person sounds more bitchy and aggressive on their blogs, but they are so. incredibly. sweet in real life.
l-r: Me, Sk and Nicholas Tay. I was so happy that I could recognise Nick. Haha! He has a nice camera.
And this is Albert Ng. We’ve known each other for, like, let’s see, year 2001… about four to five years now. But we’ve never met. Hahaha, this is the dude that okays all my articles for Xfresh. If it wasn’t for him none of my crappy writings would ever get posted up on Xfresh. He even remembers my very juvenile nickname that I used in Xfresh: Joeybear. *groans*. We’ve got a few friends in common as well. Been seeing his name around alot, heard about him alot, etc etc..and finally. FINALLY I get to meet him. I always thought he was one serious dude who is quite quiet and all. But no leh, he’s damn cheerful one!!
A nicer picture!
top l-r: Sharizal, Chien. bottom l-r: Amanda, Kay Hong. My wonderful friends managed to entertain themselves by having fun conversations with each other and camwhoring too. Kay Hong bought a new camera.
Shaolin Tiger and Me. Oh man, he is really tall. Another friendly guy. Much more friendlier than how he sounds like on his blog!
IreneQ and me! She’s still very very very nice to me, helping me to find out where I can get my food, making sure that I ate my dinner in case I got a gastric. Wish I can hang out with her more in the future.
l-r: Mack, Aiz, Me, Alex. I was shocked to know that Mack could recognise me! What an honour. 😛
Actually I have no need to protect their identity liao, since their faces are plastered all over the internet already. top l-r: Carl, Me bottom l-r: April,Elaine, Mr. Minishorts, Minishorts and Eyeris.
Of course the awards didn’t start at 9pm lah, us being Malaysians and all. Even though everyone had to go into the bar area which was pretty crowded and stuffy, it was great to just be there. I definitely did not want to miss this.
I CAN’T get enough of the sexy famous bums. *sigh*
I turned around and told Suanie, “Hehe, see see, I took their bums.” And she was like, “ME TOO!!!!” Perverts united! Woot!
The ass takers.
Kenny presenting the ping of the year award. Or was it the neophyte blog of the year?
MessyChristian(whom I talked to for the first time and I was quite elated to find another Subang neighbour. :))
The sexy Simon. He’s so cool lah! Not smiling and all. Cheh wah! Ada gaya!
Jeff Ooi is going to sneeze. Everytime I look at him, I remember the incident. Still shy about it. ;(
Kenny looking cute here!
Presenting Kenny with Blog Of The Year award. l-r: Jeff, Kenny, Mack
Best of friends.
I’m sure Kenny was really happy that night.
l-r: David and Andreas. Andreas is very approachable! Wish I had more time to talk to him as well. Sigh, oh well. There’s always next year!
The birthday cake!
The birthday boy’s father.
I forgot who helped us take this photo but I got cut in half. Ish. l-r: Kenny, TV Smith, Jeff Ooi, Huai Bin, Elaine, 1/2 me.
And then l-r: 1/4 Kenny, TV Smith, Jeff Ooi, Huai Bin, Elaine and then me. ;
l-r: Wuan, Peter, Myself. Fortunately I managed to talk to Peter during the Pre-PPS bash meet. Didn’t really get the chance to talk to him last night.
l-r: I didn’t get this guy’s name, Peter, Jack, Irene and Me.
I went up to the art gallery and took a picture of the crowd from above. I asked Aiz if he could gather everyone out on the grounds and someone goes up to shoot a pic with all the bloggers looking up. That would be nice. But unfortunately, according to Aiz, everybody were to lazy to move.
So I entertained myself by taking more pics from the balcony.
At the bottom of the pic, you have Charlyn Tangerine. Whom I stupidly did not take a picture with. He said, “Eh, damn daring ar you, go up there in your skirt!” And he keeps saying he feels old whenever I come around. Haha, don’t lah!
Myself and FireAngel. She’s such a hot chick. And is really hyper.
This is Jason/Chi Seng! I sort of remember him from old Interact functions. Us Subang people. The dude’s from SMK Seafield before.
Finally a nice picture with David! See how he towers over me??
Carl did alot of networking among the other bloggers. I asked him which blog he owns and he told me that today would be the first time that he pings at PPS. He asked me about my domain name, jayelleenelial. I explained to him that it was actually my initials followed by bits of my name which I turned around. Albert who was nearby claimed that he always thought it was Jayelle In Denial. Haha, Okay!
Dinz and me! Such a friendly dude. He can’t stop smiling!! 😀
Itu Eyeris la. Always must mosaic him one. This time I go less on the mosaicing so you can all see how handsome he really is. 🙂
Minishorts’ table.
Another familiar face! David who came back from Melbourne managed to attend the bash and we also have alot of friends in common since he was in the Taylor’s PJ Campus. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the other guy’s(in grey) name. So sorry..:(
Lucia Lai and me! She came all the way from Penang for this!
What a wonderful night of moving around shaking ahnds, smiling, making small talks, laughing, sweating, clapping, cheering, camwhoring…. I didn’t get to eat my dinner until a couple of hours later. I came back to the table to find it clumpy and cold. Rm18.50 gone like that.
April and me! I will have to look her up when I go to Monash for biotech/biomed.
After most of the crowd filtered out, David and his housemates, me, Chien, Amanda and Kay Hong sat around and got to know each other better. Kay Hong got comfy with the girls fast.
Kenny and Amanda.
Myself and Kenny. Finally managed to chat with him about close to 12am and he is a very sensible person. Still so humble despite all the praises and the award. He was telling me that he was overwhelmed. Hehe, I can see. He looks a little flustered and just a wee bit pink in the face. Must be the beer! I was supposed to bring Audrey to meet him in KLCC today but the dear girl has a hair appointment to catch and so poor Kenny and Audrey will have to wait until the next time before they can finally meet. Sigh.
Group photo with Kenny and Alex! This looks like a class picture. Hahahaha. I didn’t know Alex was from SMK Subang Utama as well! Man…this is such a small world.
Amanda’s loving the halo of lights.
Hehehe, nice right the shadowing and all. Lovely picture. I bet it’ll be up on their Friendster soon. They were at first shy to strike this pose, but then I said they are among bloggers, people like me who takes photos of anything. Then they felt more at ease. Hehe.
The scary gated place where we parked the car. BOoo.
Freaky, no?
Getting a drink at 7-11 for my brother.
Amanda bitching about how expensive Ben and Jerry’s Ice creams are.
Since Angel always disturbs Amanda, we had to put her in a bucket so that we can go up the stairs in time before she attacks Amanda’s toes.
My room is damn messy..:(
THE SHIRT FITS SO WELL.. Look at that, it doesn’t scream fats, its material is SOOOOOOO good.. and most importantly it’s a white baby tee which promotes Project Petaling Street. I wore it until 7am. Hahahaha. I WAS PHOTOSHOPPING THE PICTURES, UPLOADING THEM and then tried to blog but fell asleep at 7am.
The back of it.
Okay, cannot tahan liao. Had to go to sleep. Wanted my post to be the first thing everyone saw in the morning..
I was looking like this. How to tahan?
When I arrived home at about 1am, stomach growling and all. Didn’t eat my dinner, only ate half a plate of Char Kuay Teow the entire day. And now, at 3pm, I have not eaten anything yet. Amanda’s still sleeping. Hehehehe.
I went to PPS and amidst all the PPS bash posts(you guys are too fast), I saw this! Wah! My first spoof! Hahahaha.. thanks Wingz. 😛
I’m just really honoured that I was able to attend such an event. I would not have missed it for the world. Everyone sounded like how I imagined them to be. Strange isn’t it that the way a person writes can reflect in the way they sound? However, I think I was easily the youngest there. Any one there less than 18 years old?? My friends are all 19. So, yeah, I was the youngest! 😀
Jayelle Jun 29, 05 Delete
name: perhaps next year.:) see you there, then. if i know who you are…..:)
Name Jun 29, 05 Delete
Hi…thanks for the photos..you sure must have had a good time there….
I didn’t go, but I guess the pictures more than make up for it. *lolz*
Then again, I didn’t even know about it *lolz* 😉
Maybe next year….Maybe next year..
Jayelle Jun 28, 05 Delete
summer: hehe it was fun!! thanks:) you start pinging too and i’ll see u at the bash!!;D
albert: hahahaha oh no!! u didn’t ask??:) I’m awaiting ur post. hurry up!! next year lah k?;D
Albert Ng Jun 27, 05 Delete
YAY to two pictures of me and a writeup! Finally. Wish you introduced me to your female friends though. 🙁
summer Jun 27, 05 Delete
glad you made it girl!! good write up and lots of lovely pics!!
Jayelle Jun 26, 05 Delete
sheen: you can try asking aizuddin if he still has any!
amanda: ahahha yalah but technically you’ll all be 19 ma:) You’re still OLDER than me. ne ne ni bu bu.
mrkiasi: hahaha..yes.. that’s the plan. do come next year!
ali: ehhee next year!! next year you must come. ping more at pps!
fish fish: ehehe you’re welcome..:)
fish fish Jun 26, 05 Delete
^_^ Thanks for showing the pictures. Get to see many other new faces here.
ali Jun 26, 05 Delete
hey! looks like fun! too bad I was busy with stuff… 🙁
mrkiasi Jun 26, 05 Delete
wah….. if lidat hor, next year must also attend the anniverrsary bash liao lah.
AmAndAserAph Jun 25, 05 Delete
age sensitive amanda *tsktsk* ;p
AmAndAserAph Jun 25, 05 Delete
hehe had fun yeah~! btw jo im still 18 too *pouts* and so is chien!!
sheen Jun 25, 05 Delete
wow…wish i had a pps shirt too!
Jayelle Jun 25, 05 Delete
lucia: glad you arrived back in Penang safely:) and thanks:) yeah lah..haih.. sorry about that:( we’ll meet again!
snorlex: thanks!! hehe.. oh lol, i didn’t count that bit of me holding a camera ..haha
wingz: lol *scoops puddle of Wingz up and puts in a bag*. Nah, for you~!
Gina: it’d be nice to meet you as well! hahah.. they were all nice people. would like to see you if you are really as cynical in real life as on your blog;)
chris: HOHOHO.. he didn’t even dare show us his hairy legs. i heard from somewhere someone got a peek of his navel though. what more a coconut(or two?)?:D
Ray7: perhaps next year you can join us?:)
Mack: eheh thanks for dropping by! 🙂 You were a real joker during the bash..thanks for being the live wire of the party:D
killuminati: hehe yes, and you! you are so soft spoken, we’d never have guessed it! hohoho.
Jeff Ooi: Oh My God. hahaha. you’re actually here. Thanks for dropping by. I’m still reeling (maybe a little bit) with embarassment. Ahh… I don’t know. I’m planning on going to the local Monash so Dad will still be watching over me. hehee;D
c.ho: hehe yes!! so damn enjoyable laa
giant sotong: hahah, i don’t believe you showed me your MyKad.:) And hehe.. aiyoh. tomyam? haha thanks;P
fip: LOL stalk is the word. Me the groupie.:D hahahah sloshed? Nolah! It’s a nice picture:) I think I have one of the more serious looking picture of Lainie among the PPS posts..hehehe she’s crazy in most of it!
mel: Hehe.. if took me shit long to do it all. didn’t bathe, didn’t eat, didn’t sleep. hehe kidding. took those in between la.:P i’ll bring you along next year!! be free!
Lobak: heheh *waves* Helo!!!!!:D It was nice meeting you:)
Lobak Jun 25, 05 Delete
Jayelle!! I just dropped by to say hi!!!
mELdEe Jun 25, 05 Delete
schwwwwweeeeeeeet!! this is one hell-long ass entry, woman. i feel so out of touch 🙁 boo. glad you had fun, everyone’s looking good! 😀 makes me wish i was part of the scene too, hee.
fip Jun 25, 05 Delete
dude. awesome pics, looks like you managed to stalk- i mean, meet everyone and take pictures with them 😉 sorry i look a bit sloshed in that photo with you and lains 😛
Giant Sotong Jun 25, 05 Delete
At least you carried my picture. I don’t like cam-whoring – cameras hate me. Have you seen my MyKad photo? Looks like I just came out of Kamunting. Taken by government cameras.
Glad you could come. You and FA. Woohoo! Can make tom yam already!
c.ho Jun 25, 05 Delete
oooo.. lucky gurl. heheh.. had fun leh? good good:D
Jeff Ooi Jun 25, 05 Delete
Jolene… I do pop by to your place after the MudValley meet with Peter Tan. Don;t take it as a surprise as I trawl PPS often times.
Re Father… ooooh, he means well but you are breaking lose when your are Monash-bound… Cheers!
killuminati Jun 25, 05 Delete
it’s great to meet up with you!
it’s a nice meet, like you said, real friendly people all around. 🙂
Mack Jun 25, 05 Delete
Why should I not recognise you LOL. I must admit that I don’t read blogs as much as I want to, but how can I write about what matters in blogosphere if i don;t know what blogs are about and who bloggers are.
Nice meeting you, and do take care.
RAY7 Jun 25, 05 Delete
thanx for all the nice pics…at last i got to witness PPS from USA
chris Jun 25, 05 Delete
nibody has a shot of Kenny’s coconuts?
Gina Jun 25, 05 Delete
I would crumbled in a sea of strangers! hahaha! Probably we will meet in the future.. maybe in mamak or something, where I could be at my talking best. 🙂
Gina Jun 25, 05 Delete
I would crumbled in the sea of strangers! Hahahah! Hope to see you in the future.. maybe mamak or something, when I could be at my best… in talking.
Wingz Jun 25, 05 Delete
“Wingz: hehe thank you thank you..:D i did it purposely for you one ma.”
snorlex Jun 25, 05 Delete
oooh….smashing gathering!
glad that u finally got to go!
ooh, u appeared three and a half times in the video la.
lucia Jun 24, 05 Delete
hi jayelle, good write-up you have here with lots of photos. hey the photo of you and i seemed to be too dark eh?
nice meeting you. hope there’ll be a next time, where we will be able to talk.
Jayelle Jun 24, 05 Delete
esther: next year you come! i dun care!*hugs* we lost weight!!!!
kim: hahahah.. it’s oily. Oily Jo. So glad YOU ended up coming as well!
Jason: lol won’t be so sial one lah! have faith:) hehee finaly post it up, after like..12 hours..oh man..
fishtail: and you! I’d love to meet you as well!
eyeris: lol so is there anything serious that’s going to happen?
simon: haha which blogger? 😀 yeah..you didn’t turn to look at anyone after you collected your prize. A groupie’s got to do what a groupie’s got to do:) Just snap la!
Lockee: hey there! 🙂 ehe, tired sial. Wanted to be one of the first to blog. Ended up one of the last.;(
terry: oh yeah! mini was telling me that you’re from Subang and that I should’ve tumpanged your car. That would have been weird though.:P
suanie: Muaks!:D i like them bums.:) don’t u?
h.liew: you too..AMBER!;) *muaks* hope you enjoyed urself last night.
Wingz: hehe thank you thank you..:D i did it purposely for you onema.
irene: ah com’n!! u lost so much weight where got fat??:D oh thanks for the link:) and yes, i truly truly wanted to be there. I am grateful:)
James: hahaha you looked cool. full stop.:) Jesse’s parents are so cool!
Nicktay: i like ur cameraaa;D nice tomeet u too..hehehe yeah. justas long as I behaved. and i think i did?;D
sarah: i did!!:D hehe thanks!!
bkworm: yes! my wish came true. hehe.. oh..:( there’s always next year..no worries??
Din: ahahah.. i’m not that tall oso! anyway, Hello Friendly Guy. Haha;D
Fireangel: thanks!!! and you’re so pretty!! *humps back*
tormentt: hohoho.. sorry, my bad:) will undo the mistake soon. ah, sure if the time and situation permits. added.
narrowband: haha such a grand event sure lah must cover kau kau:P eheh.. i love kenny’s bum. yumyum..;D hehee..thought that would’ve made a nice pic ma;)
charlyn: because i THOUGHT i did. silly silly me;( sorry sorry.
charlyn Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hmmm …. why didn’t we have a picture together ??? …Hmmmm.
Narrowband Jun 24, 05 Delete
OMG. SO MANY PHOTOS! U’re damn good with ur cam.
The bum-shots are awesome. Super exclusive. Even Kenny himself wouldn’t be able to take his own bum ;p
U captured me digging my wallet!
tormentt Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hi Jay! Oi..that is not me lah. That is Clifford! haha. Nevermind. Pls dun put my picture up. We must meet up again and chat, this time not in such a big crowd, how? gimme ur msn i wanna add u. tormentt@hotmail.com
FirAngel Jun 24, 05 Delete
Din Jun 24, 05 Delete
Heheh, the friendly guy is really honoured to snap a pic with the tall girl. thanks yah!
Bkworm Jun 24, 05 Delete
So surprised to see you in one of the many blogs I am trying to catch up on! Your wish came true! Mine didn’t though I almost turned up last minute. Regrets, regrets, regrets…sigh! 🙁
sarah Jun 24, 05 Delete
glad ouhad a great time. the photos were fab!!!
nicktay Jun 24, 05 Delete
It was very nice meeting you! 🙂 Glad your dad let you come!
james Jun 24, 05 Delete
Wow! I look cool in mosaic! Hahhahah!
irene Jun 24, 05 Delete
OMG I look so FAT in that pickchure with you!!! haha what a girl thing to say 😛
In the other pickchure with Jack & Peter, the guy whose name you didn’t get is Kaz (http://kaz.blogs.com).
I’m so glad you could come! I know you really wanted to be there. You have an amazing father. So happy for you *hugs*
Wingz Jun 24, 05 Delete
wuah the most intensive PPS birday BASH pichures kolesyen i seen so far!!!! well done!!! thank you !
h.liew Jun 24, 05 Delete
Nice meeting you Jay!!! 🙂 *Muuaacks*
suanie Jun 24, 05 Delete
terry Jun 24, 05 Delete
you’r from subang too ? me in sekolah rendah/menegah subang jaya 1, ss14. graduated 94, and yeah, i know alex from skool 2 too :PPPP
LocKee Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hi… 1st time leaving msg here :>
wow!! you really have tons of pic leh, nice work! poor girl, eyes oso cant open liao :p
simon Jun 24, 05 Delete
eh? when did you snap a pic of me? aaaargh! 🙂
anyway, i was also surprised to see you come through the door, the blogger sitting next to me said, ‘its jayelle, her dad finally let her come!’
eyeris Jun 24, 05 Delete
hehe… thanks for the pixelating. though you were the only one who did… sigh… oh well. secret identity sudah hancur… 🙁
fishtail Jun 24, 05 Delete
Thanks for the great pics. Couldn’t make it.
fishtail Jun 24, 05 Delete
Thanks for the great pics. Couldn’t make it.
Jason Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hoho!! Finally. I still remember this morning 6AM we were still chatting and you are still composing. LOL. Finally…
Haha! Sad case that I didn’t attend the birthday bash! Nevermind, next year! Next year must attend unless stupid MMU assigned a midterm test on that day.
Really, whenever I have an event that I really want to attend. midterm test are around the corner. ~!@#$%^&*(
kimberlycun Jun 24, 05 Delete
wheeeeeeeeeeee *humps sweaty and sticky jolene* ngehehehe. so glad you came!!!!!
Jayelle Jun 29, 05 Delete
name: perhaps next year.:) see you there, then. if i know who you are…..:)
Name Jun 29, 05 Delete
Hi…thanks for the photos..you sure must have had a good time there….
I didn’t go, but I guess the pictures more than make up for it. *lolz*
Then again, I didn’t even know about it *lolz* 😉
Maybe next year….Maybe next year..
Jayelle Jun 28, 05 Delete
summer: hehe it was fun!! thanks:) you start pinging too and i’ll see u at the bash!!;D
albert: hahahaha oh no!! u didn’t ask??:) I’m awaiting ur post. hurry up!! next year lah k?;D
Albert Ng Jun 27, 05 Delete
YAY to two pictures of me and a writeup! Finally. Wish you introduced me to your female friends though. 🙁
summer Jun 27, 05 Delete
glad you made it girl!! good write up and lots of lovely pics!!
Jayelle Jun 26, 05 Delete
sheen: you can try asking aizuddin if he still has any!
amanda: ahahha yalah but technically you’ll all be 19 ma:) You’re still OLDER than me. ne ne ni bu bu.
mrkiasi: hahaha..yes.. that’s the plan. do come next year!
ali: ehhee next year!! next year you must come. ping more at pps!
fish fish: ehehe you’re welcome..:)
fish fish Jun 26, 05 Delete
^_^ Thanks for showing the pictures. Get to see many other new faces here.
ali Jun 26, 05 Delete
hey! looks like fun! too bad I was busy with stuff… 🙁
mrkiasi Jun 26, 05 Delete
wah….. if lidat hor, next year must also attend the anniverrsary bash liao lah.
AmAndAserAph Jun 25, 05 Delete
age sensitive amanda *tsktsk* ;p
AmAndAserAph Jun 25, 05 Delete
hehe had fun yeah~! btw jo im still 18 too *pouts* and so is chien!!
sheen Jun 25, 05 Delete
wow…wish i had a pps shirt too!
Jayelle Jun 25, 05 Delete
lucia: glad you arrived back in Penang safely:) and thanks:) yeah lah..haih.. sorry about that:( we’ll meet again!
snorlex: thanks!! hehe.. oh lol, i didn’t count that bit of me holding a camera ..haha
wingz: lol *scoops puddle of Wingz up and puts in a bag*. Nah, for you~!
Gina: it’d be nice to meet you as well! hahah.. they were all nice people. would like to see you if you are really as cynical in real life as on your blog;)
chris: HOHOHO.. he didn’t even dare show us his hairy legs. i heard from somewhere someone got a peek of his navel though. what more a coconut(or two?)?:D
Ray7: perhaps next year you can join us?:)
Mack: eheh thanks for dropping by! 🙂 You were a real joker during the bash..thanks for being the live wire of the party:D
killuminati: hehe yes, and you! you are so soft spoken, we’d never have guessed it! hohoho.
Jeff Ooi: Oh My God. hahaha. you’re actually here. Thanks for dropping by. I’m still reeling (maybe a little bit) with embarassment. Ahh… I don’t know. I’m planning on going to the local Monash so Dad will still be watching over me. hehee;D
c.ho: hehe yes!! so damn enjoyable laa
giant sotong: hahah, i don’t believe you showed me your MyKad.:) And hehe.. aiyoh. tomyam? haha thanks;P
fip: LOL stalk is the word. Me the groupie.:D hahahah sloshed? Nolah! It’s a nice picture:) I think I have one of the more serious looking picture of Lainie among the PPS posts..hehehe she’s crazy in most of it!
mel: Hehe.. if took me shit long to do it all. didn’t bathe, didn’t eat, didn’t sleep. hehe kidding. took those in between la.:P i’ll bring you along next year!! be free!
Lobak: heheh *waves* Helo!!!!!:D It was nice meeting you:)
Lobak Jun 25, 05 Delete
Jayelle!! I just dropped by to say hi!!!
mELdEe Jun 25, 05 Delete
schwwwwweeeeeeeet!! this is one hell-long ass entry, woman. i feel so out of touch 🙁 boo. glad you had fun, everyone’s looking good! 😀 makes me wish i was part of the scene too, hee.
fip Jun 25, 05 Delete
dude. awesome pics, looks like you managed to stalk- i mean, meet everyone and take pictures with them 😉 sorry i look a bit sloshed in that photo with you and lains 😛
Giant Sotong Jun 25, 05 Delete
At least you carried my picture. I don’t like cam-whoring – cameras hate me. Have you seen my MyKad photo? Looks like I just came out of Kamunting. Taken by government cameras.
Glad you could come. You and FA. Woohoo! Can make tom yam already!
c.ho Jun 25, 05 Delete
oooo.. lucky gurl. heheh.. had fun leh? good good:D
Jeff Ooi Jun 25, 05 Delete
Jolene… I do pop by to your place after the MudValley meet with Peter Tan. Don;t take it as a surprise as I trawl PPS often times.
Re Father… ooooh, he means well but you are breaking lose when your are Monash-bound… Cheers!
killuminati Jun 25, 05 Delete
it’s great to meet up with you!
it’s a nice meet, like you said, real friendly people all around. 🙂
Mack Jun 25, 05 Delete
Why should I not recognise you LOL. I must admit that I don’t read blogs as much as I want to, but how can I write about what matters in blogosphere if i don;t know what blogs are about and who bloggers are.
Nice meeting you, and do take care.
RAY7 Jun 25, 05 Delete
thanx for all the nice pics…at last i got to witness PPS from USA
chris Jun 25, 05 Delete
nibody has a shot of Kenny’s coconuts?
Gina Jun 25, 05 Delete
I would crumbled in a sea of strangers! hahaha! Probably we will meet in the future.. maybe in mamak or something, where I could be at my talking best. 🙂
Gina Jun 25, 05 Delete
I would crumbled in the sea of strangers! Hahahah! Hope to see you in the future.. maybe mamak or something, when I could be at my best… in talking.
Wingz Jun 25, 05 Delete
“Wingz: hehe thank you thank you..:D i did it purposely for you one ma.”
snorlex Jun 25, 05 Delete
oooh….smashing gathering!
glad that u finally got to go!
ooh, u appeared three and a half times in the video la.
lucia Jun 24, 05 Delete
hi jayelle, good write-up you have here with lots of photos. hey the photo of you and i seemed to be too dark eh?
nice meeting you. hope there’ll be a next time, where we will be able to talk.
Jayelle Jun 24, 05 Delete
esther: next year you come! i dun care!*hugs* we lost weight!!!!
kim: hahahah.. it’s oily. Oily Jo. So glad YOU ended up coming as well!
Jason: lol won’t be so sial one lah! have faith:) hehee finaly post it up, after like..12 hours..oh man..
fishtail: and you! I’d love to meet you as well!
eyeris: lol so is there anything serious that’s going to happen?
simon: haha which blogger? 😀 yeah..you didn’t turn to look at anyone after you collected your prize. A groupie’s got to do what a groupie’s got to do:) Just snap la!
Lockee: hey there! 🙂 ehe, tired sial. Wanted to be one of the first to blog. Ended up one of the last.;(
terry: oh yeah! mini was telling me that you’re from Subang and that I should’ve tumpanged your car. That would have been weird though.:P
suanie: Muaks!:D i like them bums.:) don’t u?
h.liew: you too..AMBER!;) *muaks* hope you enjoyed urself last night.
Wingz: hehe thank you thank you..:D i did it purposely for you onema.
irene: ah com’n!! u lost so much weight where got fat??:D oh thanks for the link:) and yes, i truly truly wanted to be there. I am grateful:)
James: hahaha you looked cool. full stop.:) Jesse’s parents are so cool!
Nicktay: i like ur cameraaa;D nice tomeet u too..hehehe yeah. justas long as I behaved. and i think i did?;D
sarah: i did!!:D hehe thanks!!
bkworm: yes! my wish came true. hehe.. oh..:( there’s always next year..no worries??
Din: ahahah.. i’m not that tall oso! anyway, Hello Friendly Guy. Haha;D
Fireangel: thanks!!! and you’re so pretty!! *humps back*
tormentt: hohoho.. sorry, my bad:) will undo the mistake soon. ah, sure if the time and situation permits. added.
narrowband: haha such a grand event sure lah must cover kau kau:P eheh.. i love kenny’s bum. yumyum..;D hehee..thought that would’ve made a nice pic ma;)
charlyn: because i THOUGHT i did. silly silly me;( sorry sorry.
charlyn Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hmmm …. why didn’t we have a picture together ??? …Hmmmm.
Narrowband Jun 24, 05 Delete
OMG. SO MANY PHOTOS! U’re damn good with ur cam.
The bum-shots are awesome. Super exclusive. Even Kenny himself wouldn’t be able to take his own bum ;p
U captured me digging my wallet!
tormentt Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hi Jay! Oi..that is not me lah. That is Clifford! haha. Nevermind. Pls dun put my picture up. We must meet up again and chat, this time not in such a big crowd, how? gimme ur msn i wanna add u.
FirAngel Jun 24, 05 Delete
Din Jun 24, 05 Delete
Heheh, the friendly guy is really honoured to snap a pic with the tall girl. thanks yah!
Bkworm Jun 24, 05 Delete
So surprised to see you in one of the many blogs I am trying to catch up on! Your wish came true! Mine didn’t though I almost turned up last minute. Regrets, regrets, regrets…sigh! 🙁
sarah Jun 24, 05 Delete
glad ouhad a great time. the photos were fab!!!
nicktay Jun 24, 05 Delete
It was very nice meeting you! 🙂 Glad your dad let you come!
james Jun 24, 05 Delete
Wow! I look cool in mosaic! Hahhahah!
irene Jun 24, 05 Delete
OMG I look so FAT in that pickchure with you!!! haha what a girl thing to say 😛
In the other pickchure with Jack & Peter, the guy whose name you didn’t get is Kaz (http://kaz.blogs.com).
I’m so glad you could come! I know you really wanted to be there. You have an amazing father. So happy for you *hugs*
Wingz Jun 24, 05 Delete
wuah the most intensive PPS birday BASH pichures kolesyen i seen so far!!!! well done!!! thank you !
h.liew Jun 24, 05 Delete
Nice meeting you Jay!!! 🙂 *Muuaacks*
suanie Jun 24, 05 Delete
terry Jun 24, 05 Delete
you’r from subang too ? me in sekolah rendah/menegah subang jaya 1, ss14. graduated 94, and yeah, i know alex from skool 2 too :PPPP
LocKee Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hi… 1st time leaving msg here :>
wow!! you really have tons of pic leh, nice work! poor girl, eyes oso cant open liao :p
simon Jun 24, 05 Delete
eh? when did you snap a pic of me? aaaargh! 🙂
anyway, i was also surprised to see you come through the door, the blogger sitting next to me said, ‘its jayelle, her dad finally let her come!’
eyeris Jun 24, 05 Delete
hehe… thanks for the pixelating. though you were the only one who did… sigh… oh well. secret identity sudah hancur… 🙁
fishtail Jun 24, 05 Delete
Thanks for the great pics. Couldn’t make it.
fishtail Jun 24, 05 Delete
Thanks for the great pics. Couldn’t make it.
Jason Jun 24, 05 Delete
Hoho!! Finally. I still remember this morning 6AM we were still chatting and you are still composing. LOL. Finally…
Haha! Sad case that I didn’t attend the birthday bash! Nevermind, next year! Next year must attend unless stupid MMU assigned a midterm test on that day.
Really, whenever I have an event that I really want to attend. midterm test are around the corner. ~!@#$%^&*(
kimberlycun Jun 24, 05 Delete
wheeeeeeeeeeee *humps sweaty and sticky jolene* ngehehehe. so glad you came!!!!!
esther Jun 24, 05 Delete
so much FUN! 😉