I’m pinching this idea from Scott Adam’s(the great genius behind the Dilbert comics) blog so that I can be entertained for a bit.
We will all grow up(or those of you who have grown up who drop by, Hello there!) and hate our jobs at one point. I presume most of the people who read me are my friends(ie.students), friends’ friends(students) and random people(young adults – friends’ parents)
I thought it’d be fun if you guys can go ahead and describe your job or future job(based on the course you’re taking at your university) in a humorous and derogatory way! Then tell me about your secret ambition.
Based on this comic trip by Scott Adams, Dogbert used ‘turd’ to further illustrate his job.
🙂 You can be anonymous in this one, if you like.
Here I’ll start the ball rolling:
I will have to pick turd out from pits and fissures of people who will wriggle and scream and I will have to withstand insults from children who consider me as turd. For all my life(in 3 years’ time). But at least I can put my children through university.
If physics was easy, I would be Malaysia’s first female astronaut(so I can see my turd float in space. Kidding.)!
p/s: it would be strange seeing how malaysians don’t really use the word turd. But do try to learn to use it. It would be fun!
p/ss: oh yeah before I forget. Do help Edrei with his blogathon plight!
law sure is fun.
I will arrive at my office exactly on time (9am) sharp every morning, brisking past the other turds in the workplace trying to take my job.
Taking the first hour to settle down and prepare for the day, my client, a total turd, would have been at my waiting room since 9.30. At 10, I will call him in.
He talks about divorce settlements, and how his wife (who he says is a real turd) wants to take everything from him. I nod and nod, then copy and paste my standard divorce contract into MS word, print, and charge him 4 thousand for it.
By 11, I’d be having lunch with a colleague. Then by 12, I’d be back at the office (not before dropping a turd in the bathroom)
The rest of the day would be spent worshiping Scott Adams =)
jo: LoL sigh…T___T Thanks for layaning. T_____T